
College Readiness

College Counseling at Strake Jesuit

While a student’s College Counselor will work with him most closely during junior and senior year, the student will have a dedicated College Counselor from the moment he starts at Jesuit. The College Counselor will assist each student in his goal of making informed and reasonable decisions regarding his college career. Through both group and individual meetings, the College Counselor will help each student navigate the college admissions process and prepare him for the transition from Strake Jesuit to higher education. Additionally, College Counselors will keep abreast of the latest information and strategies regarding college admissions by fostering relationships with institutions of higher learning.

The office of College Counseling will also host events that will help families better understand the college admissions process.

Graduation Requirements

Strake Jesuit prepares students for college through a comprehensive program of academic, spiritual, and character formation. A student must earn a minimum of 28 credits in addition to completing a community service project of 100 volunteer hours during his senior year. Many graduating seniors graduate with a Distinguished Degree and a Multidisciplinary endorsement.

Grades at Jesuit

Strake Jesuit does not rank students. GPA includes all academic courses completed at Strake Jesuit. The cumulative GPA is calculated at the end of each semester. One quality point is given for each AC/AP course.

Minimum Credit Requirements

Social Studies
Foreign Language
Communications & Fine Arts
Physical Education
General Electives

Catholic High Schools College Fair

The annual Catholic High Schools College Fair is jointly hosted by several area Catholic high schools, and takes place on the Strake Jesuit campus during October of each year. Additional college and gap-year fairs are hosted on campus during the spring semester. This year's event is Wednesday, October 2, 2024.

We believe that the four to six years following a student's stay at Strake Jesuit might very well be the most important years in terms of career choice, friendship development, expansion of beliefs and thoughts and, of course, intellectual development.  With this in mind, the College Counseling department encourages all Strake Jesuit students to make the most informed decision possible by utilizing the many resources available.  Naviance, a college and career readiness software program that provides students with college planning and career assessment tools, is one of those resources.
Naviance is a web-based resource that supports college planning. This program is specific to Strake Jesuit and, because it is linked to our Guidance Office, counselors can track data relating to the college admissions office.  As freshmen, students are given access to the Naviance program where they can gain important information about various colleges and scholarships, prepare a resume, register for on-campus college rep visits, log service hours, and much more.

AP Exam Schedule 2025

Advanced Placement (AP) courses and exams are available to Strake Jesuit students so that they may challenge themselves academically and earn college credit and placement. AP courses give students a taste of college-level work and allow students to develop skills needed for college success.  In addition, students with qualifying AP exam scores can earn college credit for introductory college courses.

College Testing

Strake Jesuit is a national testing center for both the SAT and the ACT on certain dates, indicated below. The test center coordinator for both the SAT and ACT is Dr. Richard Clinton who can be reached by email or phone at (713) 272-4374.


The SAT is a standardized test that measures what you learn in high school and what you need to succeed in college. Information about the SAT is available on the College Board website.

There are many local and nation-wide companies that provide SAT test prep classes. These classes range in length and cost. In addition, the College Board provides free online practice tests. Click here for more information.  

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The ACT® test is the leading US admissions test, measuring what you learn in high school to determine your academic readiness for college.  You can register for the ACT at  National Test Dates for 2020-2021 open for registration in July 2020.  (Begins with Sept. test date. July test date is considered part of the 2019-2020 school year).

For more information on how to prepare for the ACT, click here.

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Meet the College Counseling Team

List of 11 members.

  • Photo of Jeffrey Fuller

    Mr. Jeff Fuller 

    (713) 490-8220
  • Photo of Cammie O'Hara

    Ms. Cammie O'Hara 

    (713) 490-8154
  • Photo of Cheryl Armstrong

    Mrs. Cheri Armstrong 

    (713) 272-4305
  • Photo of Richard Clinton

    Dr. Richard Clinton 

    (713) 272-4374
  • Photo of Ana Hasbun

    Ms. Carolina Hasbun 

    (713) 490-8253
  • Photo of Timothy Keogh

    Mr. Tim Keogh 

  • Photo of Jennifer Luke

    Mrs. Jennifer Luke 

    713 490 4348
  • Photo of Maria Peden

    Mrs. Maria Peden 

  • Photo of Diana Porter

    Mrs. Diana Porter 

  • Photo of James Saltzman

    Mr. Jim Saltzman 

    (713) 490-8234
  • Photo of Michael Sam

    Mr. Michael Sam Jr. 

    713 272 4310

College Acceptances & Enrollment 2021-2023

Over the past three years, Strake Jesuit graduates have matriculated at the following colleges and universities throughout North America, Latin America, and Europe.