Full-session Courses Wednesday, June 4 - Tuesday, July 1 Half-session Courses Wednesday, June 4 - Tuesday, June 17 Wednesday, June 18 - Tuesday, July 1
Registration: Online registration will be available here in May. Parents will be informed in the weekly E-Blast when online registration has been activated.
Deadline: Tuesday, June 3 at 6:00 p.m. You may register online any time before the registration deadline. Students may not register for more than two classes.
1st Day of Summer School All students will report to the Moran Dining Hall. After receiving some general instructions, their teachers will lead them to their classrooms.
Strake Jesuit Students
Summer School will be offered at Strake Jesuit for students who need to obtain credit for a failed course or for those who would like to improve their understanding of a subject and thereby try to raise their grade. Strake Jesuit students will only be allowed to register for courses they completed during the 2024-2025 school year. Incoming Freshmen can register only for Pre-Freshman courses (Math and English).
Non-Jesuit Students All non-Jesuit students must have written permission from their school in order to attend Strake Jesuit's Summer School. Schools will be contacted to confirm each summer course is replacing the grade from a previously completed course.
For-credit Courses No courses will be offered for-credit this summer.
$600 per full-session course (4 weeks) $300 per half-session course (2 weeks) Strake Jesuit families will be billed by the school via Smart Tuition when they register online for Summer School. For non-Strake Jesuit families, there will be link to an online form to pay by credit card when they register online. If a course is canceled by the school, all fees are refundable. Student withdrawals and disciplinary withdrawals will receive no refund.
Progress Reports
Cumulative grades will be maintained in mySJ during Summer School. Students' attendance will be reported daily. Credit cannot be awarded for a course where a student has been absent more than twice (2) for full-session courses or more than once (1) in a half-session course (Economics or US Government & Politics).
Dress Code The Summer School dress code for male students is the same as during the regular school year. All male students are expected to wear a shirt with a collar, regular slacks (no jeans or cargo pants), a belt on pants made to be worn with a belt, socks, and regular shoes (no athletic shoes or the like). Shirts must be tucked in at all times while on campus. Students must be clean-shaven. All female students are to dress in their school uniform. They must bring a copy of the dress code from their school with them to registration. Girls may not wear jeans, but may wear capri pants made of traditional fabric. All shoes must have a back. There are to be no slides or flip-flops. The Summer School Principal will be the final judge. Students who do not comply with the dress code may be asked to leave for the day. This absence will count to the student’s total absences.
Absences Any student who has more than one (1) absence from a half-session course (Economics or US Government & Politics) or more than two (2) absences from any other class is subject to receive an F in the course and must withdraw with no refund. Additionally, if a student is asked to leave for the day for disciplinary reasons, that student will be marked absent from class.
Should a student be late for a class two times, it will count as one full day’s absence.
Parking Students are not allowed to park in faculty or visitors parking spots.
Policies and Regulations
All the policies and regulations of Strake Jesuit College Preparatory are in effect during Summer School. If you have any questions, please contact Dean Healey or Mrs. Vessels.
**This schedule is tentative -- changes may be made based on enrollment requests**
All courses are full-session courses unless otherwise indicated
First Period(7:00 am - 9:30 am) Algebra 1 Algebra 2 Biology 1
Chemistry 1 English 2
Pre-Freshman English Pre-Freshman Math Spanish 2 Spanish 3
Theology 3
World History
Second Period(10:00 am - 12:30 pm) Algebra 1 Algebra 2 Biology 1 Chemistry 1 Economics (2-week course, June 5 – June 18) Economics (4-week course) English 1 Geometry Pre-Calculus Pre-Freshman English Pre-Freshman Math
Spanish 1
Theology 1
Theology 2 US Government & Politics (2-week course, June 19 – July 2)