
Class of 1969 Memorial Fund

The Class of 1969 is a special class at Strake Jesuit. Graduating with 89 original members, they were the fifth graduating class to make its way through SJ, ‘69 was also the second class to have the members attend all four years at the school. 
Over the last few years, the class has formed the idea to honor their lost classmates and brothers and approached Jesuit to start a designated fund, the purpose of which is to provide financial assistance to current Jesuit students in need. The goal of the fund is $200,000 and to reach that milestone before the 55th Class Reunion in 2024. With the passing of classmate Bill Rudman ’69 came a generous gift from his estate of $100,000, meaning the goal is already halfway there!
The long-term goal of this fund is to receive bequests from wills, donations in lieu of flowers at classmates’ deaths, etc.
Please consider a gift to the Class of 1969 Memorial Fund today to help support current Jesuit students and their education endeavors. Remember, all donations are tax-deductible. These gifts will help further the mission at Strake Jesuit of creating Men for Others every day. Helping those attend Strake Jesuit that may not otherwise be able to afford the cost of the education is something we strive towards each day, and your generosity helps us make that a reality.

Class of 1969 Memorial Fund Donor List
William F. Rudman
Louis J. Bujnoch
Michael D. Cannon
Mark J. Curry
Mark P. Day
James R. Dilger
James A. Dunn
Thomas J. Friedman
Gregg Goodnight
Virgil R. Hinojosa
John R. Hodnett
Donald R. Hoyt
Roger C. Jackson
Daniel G. Nasser
Mark A. Padon
Joseph C. Permetti
Jesus A. Sanchez
Philip M. Schneidau
Roger J. Schuler
David R. Stewart

In Memoriam

    • Michael Cahill '69

    • Michael Connelly '69

    • Tim Elford '69

    • Robert Fowler '69

    • John Gannon '69

    • Michael Keith '69

    • Wister Lee '69

    • Michael Leone '69

    • Herbert Mayr '69

    • Bob O'Brien '69

    • Bill Rudman '69

    • Michael Shebay '69

    • Sam Shelton '69

    • Michael White '69