Summer at SJ

Higher Achievement Program

Welcome to the Strake Jesuit Higher Achievement Program

What is the Higher Achievement Program? It’s right there in the name! HAP welcomes middle school boys from underserved communities who want to achieve more for the glory of God. To assist these HAP Scholars, we deliver a summer enrichment program that includes high school preparatory curriculum, mentorship from successful high school students and faculty, and the lived experience of our high school campus. HAP empowers our boys to achieve their goals of becoming servant leaders who are committed to faith, intellectual competence, and a life of service to others. 

List of 6 frequently asked questions.

  • How do I apply for HAP?

    We are seeking young men in the sixth or seventh grade who have shown academic promise in middle school, are committed to the idea of a Catholic High School education, and whose families would need financial support to afford tuition at a school like Strake Jesuit.
    • Please apply as soon as you are ready. 
    • For students with demonstrated financial need, HAP admissions decisions are delivered on a rolling basis. Apply as soon as you are ready, and expect a reply within two weeks.
    • For students without demonstrated financial need, HAP admissions decisions will be delivered on or before April 15, and on a rolling basis after that.
  • How many students enroll?

    The HAP program typically enrolls about 70 students, half rising seventh graders and half rising eighth graders.
  • What does it cost?

    We ask families to make a contribution of $150.00 for the program. This fee includes lunch every day. If this presents a financial obstacle for an accepted student's family, the contribution amount will be entirely waived.
  • How is the daily program designed?

    HAP is operated in a summer school/day camp format. HAP begins each morning at 8:15 a.m. with a prayer and reflection period. Every student cycles through five major areas of study each day: Speech / Creative Writing, Chemistry / Biology, Physics, Leadership, and Robotics. A daily athletics period is included, and the days end at 1:30 pm. All of these courses are activity-based courses that emphasize multi-modal learning and are especially appealing to the kinesthetic learner. To ensure that students focus on the learning objective and not the final evaluation, HAP does not assign grades to the student.
  • Who instructs these courses?

    All of the HAP instructors are full-time Strake Jesuit faculty members. Each of the instructors is assisted by two current Jesuit students, known as Teacher Assistants (TAs), all of whom are rising seniors. The TAs are chosen by faculty members for their academic and leadership skills.
  • Where can I find additional information?

    The application is open below. This application does not guarantee your son is admitted, and it does not create a commitment for your family to attend HAP. The director of the program is Chad Collier. His number at Strake Jesuit is 713.490.8134 and email is

2025 HAP Schedule

Week One
6/9       Monday - Classes (8:15am – 1:30pm)
6/10       Tuesday - Classes (8:15am – 1:30pm)
6/11       Wednesday - Classes (8:15am – 1:30pm)
6/12       Thursday - Classes (8:15am – 1:30pm)
6/13       Friday - RLC Day Trip (8:15am – 4:00pm) 
Week Two
6/16    Monday - Classes (8:15am – 1:30pm)
6/17    Tuesday - Field Trip Moody Gardens (8:15am – 3:00pm)
6/18    Wednesday - Classes (8:15am – 1:30pm)
6/19    Thursday - Classes (8:15am – 1:30pm)
6/20    Friday - Short Classes and Graduation (8:15am – 1:30pm)

The application for HAP 2025 is now open.
Click here to apply!
Questions? Please contact Mr. Chad Collier.