School Calendar

  1. Sun
  2. Mon
  3. Tue
  4. Wed
  5. Thu
  6. Fri
  7. Sat
  1. 31
  2. 2

    SJ Blood Drive

    Parsley Center Foyer
  3. 3


    St. Ignatius Chapel
    Contact: Rachel Rodes

    Basketball Spring League Play

    BC 1 & 2
  4. 6
  1. 7
  2. 10


    St. Ignatius Chapel
    Contact: Rachel Rodes

    Basketball Spring League Play

    BC 1 & 2
  3. 13

    Mixed Chorus Auditions

    St. Agnes Academy Choir Room
    Auditions will take place on Saturday, April 13, from 12 to 2 p.m. in the St. Agnes Choir Room. Feel free to arrive anytime within this two-hour window. Click here for more details.


    Contact: Sheri Bordelon
  1. 16

    Senior Service Day

    All seniors participate in doing service at various locations.
    Contact: Mark McNeil

    Spring Jazz Concert

    Meyer Hall (St. Agnes)
    Join us in our SJSSA Jazz Spring Concert! Meyer Hall, St. Agnes Academy. Performance will include all of our jazz combos and big band!
    Contact: Sean Burke
  2. 17


    St. Ignatius Chapel
    Contact: Rachel Rodes

    Track Awards Banquet

    Parsley Center 

    Basketball Spring League Play

    BC 1 & 2

    SJ SDOAPs Spring 2024

    Lowman Theater
    Visit for tickets.
  3. 18

    Advisory Student Perception Surveys

    Contact: Michelle Dolar

    SJ SDOAPs Spring 2024

    Lowman Theater
    Visit for tickets.
  4. 20

    Mentor Moms' Orientation Coffee

    Moran Dining Hall
    Contact: Julie Jewett

    SJ SDOAPs Spring 2024

    Lowman Theater
    Visit for tickets.
  1. 21

    Father Son Mass

    Contact: Colin Matheny

    Vocal Arts Spring Concert

    St. Agnes Academy
  2. 23

    NLI Signing Day

    Competition Gym
  3. 25

    Junior Cross and Ring Mass

    Contact: Mark McNeil

    GHCAA Baseball Finals

    JH Catholic league baseball finals 
  4. 27

    GHCAA JH District Track

    Clay Stadium 

    Spring Band and Orchestra Concert

    Parsley Center
    Contact: Sean Burke
  1. 29

    Banquet - Baseball/Lacrosse

    Moran Dining Hall 
  2. 30

    All-School Mass

    Contact: Mark McNeil

    SAA Student Council Walk-a-thon

    fundraiser is support of Divine Wounds of Jesus orphanage 
    20 student participants 
  3. 1
  4. 2
  5. 3
  6. 4