More than ‘More’: How Strake Jesuit Strives for the Magis

By Tom Beverick ’07
Many would agree that we live in an era of “more.” We have access to more information than at any point in human history. Grocery stores brim with choices, online marketplaces offer seemingly infinite options, and entertainment is available at the click of a button. Communication – whether across the room or across the globe – happens instantly. Schools, including Strake Jesuit, are no exception to the era of “more.”

Reflecting on my time as a student at Strake Jesuit in the mid-2000s, I remember it fondly. Yet, I must admit that I am a bit jealous of today’s students. They have access to far more courses, sports, extracurricular activities, and clubs than we did. What was a “campus in transition,” still showing some signs of recovering from financial difficulties in the 1970s, has blossomed into a state-of-the-art environment. Bright, modern buildings now complement a curriculum enriched by a five-class-per-day rotating schedule and daily Community Time, which balances academic rigor with spiritual and communal growth. There has never been a better time to be a student at Strake Jesuit.

As the Director of Admissions, I see firsthand how opportunities like joining the Esports team (yes, playing video games for Strake Jesuit!) – or choosing from countless courses and clubs – excite prospective students. But are these offerings simply marketing tools? Are we adding programs and building facilities just to attract more students? The answer lies in a deeper understanding of our mission and the Jesuit concept of magis

It’s nearly impossible to spend time on a Jesuit campus without hearing the term magis. Fr. Pedro Arrupe, S.J., the 28th superior general of the Society of Jesus, described magis as “the greatest possible service to God.” While St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits, did not use the term explicitly, he emphasized pursuing that which most brings God glory – that which brings the “most universal good.”

Fr. Barton T. Geger, S.J., explained this concept of magis using a well-known parable: "Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.” Fr. Geger explains, “This well captures what Ignatius had in mind by the more universal good… teaching the man reaps wider benefits. He is now empowered to feed his own family… His teacher is free to move on and help someone else, while the man, for his part, can return to his village and teach others to fish.” This, in essence, is what striving for the magis looks like: seeking actions that have the greatest and most enduring impact.

As a school in the era of “more,” it can be tempting to adopt the literal meaning of magis in Latin (“more,” of course) rather than the deeper interpretations of Arrupe, Ignatius, or Geger: raise more money, offer more courses and extracurriculars, and attract more students. While these can be worthy pursuits, they are not goals in themselves. Instead, each decision must be grounded in discernment—listening for God’s voice and asking, “What is He calling us to do?”

For example, recent decisions at Jesuit—such as creating an ice hockey team, incorporating counseling into students’ schedules, and establishing class service days—were not made merely to “add more.” These initiatives were discerned as ways to serve our students’ holistic formation. While truly striving for the magis might mean challenging ourselves or offering as many options as possible, it surely means pausing to listen to God. Every decision, especially the most impactful, requires the question, “What is God calling us to do?” From our faith comes discernment, and from discernment comes God’s will. Can a student strive for the magis by taking tougher classes and joining as many activities as possible? Maybe. But perhaps a student could instead make a greater impact – could best bring God glory – by ensuring that he can approach every opportunity each day with patience, love, and compassion, even if that means taking a few activities off his plate or allowing himself to take a few on-level courses.

Why build ourselves to be the largest Catholic school in Houston, offering over 200 courses, 16 sports, and 120 clubs and activities? Not for the sake of growth itself, but because discernment has shown us these opportunities help our students find God. Whether in the classroom, on the field, or at the lunch table, our young men encounter lessons in fortitude, teamwork, and compassion. These lessons shape them into Christ-like leaders who will carry the magis into the world.

Programs like rugby, theater, or physics aren’t just “more options.” They are avenues through which students learn to be intellectually competent, loving, and religious leaders. Similarly, the senior service project—requiring 75 hours of service—is not only about the immediate impact on those served but also about instilling a lifelong commitment to serving others.

Strake Jesuit’s mission states: “We assist young men in their formation as servant leaders and as Men for Others through a comprehensive program of intellectual, spiritual, and moral development for the greater glory of God.” Every decision we make is grounded in this purpose. By listening to God’s call, we meet our students where they are and help guide them along in their journeys to become the men God intends them to be. What better way to pursue the magis, the most universal good, than by teaching our students to “fish”—empowering over 1,400 young men to serve others and transform their communities for a lifetime and beyond?