Leading with Kindness

By Ione Meyer
It is with great joy that I write this tribute to Ms. Mary Tarpey, a dear friend and colleague, on the occasion of her retirement after twenty years of teaching English at Strake Jesuit. Those who meet Mary for the first time might be fooled into thinking she is the serious type. However, under her calm exterior lies a bubbly wit. Her approach to challenges reflects a deeper knowledge of life; humor rather than anger is her first reaction. 

Writing of unexpected surprises that can occur in a classroom, sometimes not welcome, Billy Gibula ’07 recalls a classmate who would often exclaim, "Blast!" when he was upset or disappointed about something. One day, he issued forth his usual proclamation of “Blast!” and Ms. Tarpey responded with "KABOOM!” The entire class laughed heartily.

Mary’s kindness, too, comes to mind. In addition to teaching students, Mary has tutored many teachers, including present faculty. The year I came to Jesuit, Mary was my mentor. Her organized, note-filled, green school planner inspired my admiration, yet kindness was how she led me. In the early 2000s, Mary also mentored English teacher Mrs. Lesley Clinton, who says, “I could always rely on Mary’s thoughtful and generous counsel. Over the years, I came to value her witty, wise friendship.”

Mary has exceptional language skills; she trained as a lawyer. To her students, her precision of thought is a gift. Teaching suited Mary particularly well because it enabled her to share her passion for English literature. Mary is at home in a Dickens novel or quoting classical poetry. Zac Wierschem ’14 remembers her “infectious enthusiasm about English,” which most of his classmates had caught by the end of the semester. By passing on this love, Mary has prepared others not just for their careers, but for life.

Many of Mary’s students have gone on to challenging careers. Pedro Caranti ’14 says, “I learned not only to write well…but to appreciate the value of hard work and precise thinking.” Former Alumni Service Corps member Paul Carty ’02 said in a note of gratitude to Ms. Tarpey, “While you are probably aware of the thousands of students you have influenced in your classroom, please know that you have impacted an infinite number more.” 

Mary’s teaching partnership with her husband, Mr. Will Volding, also reminds us that Strake Jesuit families have benefitted from one family of teachers for twenty years. Strake Jesuit is a community that cultivates a tradition of teachers who value agape and civility, ad maiorem Dei gloriam—for the greater glory of God.