SJ Receives Fifth Seven-Figure Gift Since March 2020
The benefactor, who wishes to remain anonymous, directed the gift toward making the Strake Jesuit experience affordable and accessible; one of the four main initiatives the school recently identified as an answer to God’s call for the future.
At the annual president’s dinner in September, Fr. Jeff Johnson, S.J. announced Our Way of Proceeding, a $60,000,000 fundraising initiative. This effort is an important avenue by which the school will continue to live out the community’s strategic goals outlined in Vision 2020.
Vision 2020 is the result of a community discernment that spanned several years before its announcement in the Spring of 2020 that clarifies the school’s strategic efforts to be increasingly Jesuit & Catholic, Student Centered, Accessible, and Men for Others. In the two years that have elapsed since its launch, Vision 2020 has grown far beyond the definition of "vision."
Our Way of Proceeding has been embarked on to bring the support for Vision 2020 beyond buildings and renovations and more deeply into the heart of the mission of Strake Jesuit: forming Men for Others every single day – the most essential function of the school that will not soon be exhausted.
Since the opening of the school in 1960, more than half of the million-dollar gifts from Strake Jesuit families have come since the launch of Vision 2020, and we are so deeply grateful for the generosity that has come from within our community to support the core values and work of Strake Jesuit.